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SW Missouri's Trusted Repairman

Past Projects

Minisplit Install

After a $2 fix on the customer’s main house AC, he had me install this minisplit to heat and cool his shop. Which was a highly insulated sound-proofed building because my customer is a jazz musician. His “shop” is half tool shed, half high-end recording studio. The Pioneer minisplit is so quiet, the subwoofers emitted more noise than the AC. Comfortable, and unnoticed – that’s air conditioning at its best.

Copper Line Repair in a Condenser

The customer reported an AC failure after a lightning storm. Sure enough about every major electrical component had to be replaced – but even worse, some current had burned a hole in the copper refrigerant lines. 

Fortunately the holes could be repaired with a soldered “bandaid” and the unit was able to hold a fresh charge of refrigerant. It’s been running good ever since.

Adding Insulation

The customer’s house wasn’t warm. He had just purchased a new heat pump, and had been noticed high energy bills since buying the house. Marshall Improvements performed a complete Manual J assessment and discovered the home was severely under insulated. 

It took three days and a couple hundred bales, but Richard’s happier. More insulation means your house stays cool in the summer, and warmer in the winter. There is no such thing as overspending on insulation.

Water Treatment

The water from this customer’s country well water was brown. So brown you could count the particles swirling in a cup. Nobody wanted to bathe in it, let alone drink it! On top of that, the county health board detected coliform bacteria – which can be a serious a health issue.

Marshall Improvements designed a custom water treatment system that tackled all the problems, softens the water and provides first class protection from viruses and other contaminates. 

Electrical Repair

It was supposed to be a normal HVAC repair… The lightning had other plans. On top of frying nearly every electrical component in the outdoor condenser, the strike had also fused, melted, or just blown apart circuit breakers inside the house. No wonder their AC wasn’t working! Fortunately for them, we know a great electrician who was able to bump his schedule to handle this emergency. While the electrician installed the new panel we rebuilt the condenser’s electrical components. It was a lot of scrambling, but that customer had cool air blowing by closing hours.